Altnagelvin has 6.25 per cent capacity left in the system with Enniskillen still stretched

Altnagelvin has 6.25 per cent capacity left in the system although Enniskillen is still over capacity, according to the latest data published by the Department of Health.

At midnight on Tuesday 67 coronavirus patients were being treated in Western Trust hospitals.

Of nine ICU beds at Altnagelvin, three (33.33 per cent) were being used to treat COVID-19 patients, four (44.44 per cent) were being used to treat non-COVID-19 patients; and two (22.22 per cent) of ICU beds were unoccupied.

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Three ICU patients in total were being ventilated - one was a coronavirus patient and two were non-COVID-19 patients.

In terms of general occupancy 15.06 per cent of beds at Altnagelvin were 'COVID-19 occupied', 73.86 per cent were 'other occupied' and the hospital now has 6.25 per cent capacity left in the system; 4.83 per cent was classified as awaiting admission.

The Western Trust's other main hospital, the South West Acute Hospital in Enniskillen, is now operating at 9.15 per cent over capacity.