Derry/Strabane COVID-19 rate now fifth highest in north by district

The Derry/Strabane rate is below the average for the north.The Derry/Strabane rate is below the average for the north.
The Derry/Strabane rate is below the average for the north.
The seven-day COVID-19 case rate in Derry and Strabane remains below the average for the north which has risen.

Between November 7 and November 13 there were 311 positive coronavirus cases in Derry and Strabane giving a seven day rate of 206.4.

This was lower than the average for the north of 207.3, which was up slightly from 206.2 yesterday.

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Four districts - Causeway Coast and Glens (325.1), Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon (235.9), Mid Ulster (231.8) and Belfast (206.9) - all posted higher rates than Derry/Strabane.

No more deaths have been registered, according to the data published this afternoon by the Department of Health.

Sixty-four people were being treated as coronavirus patients in Western Trust hospitals at midnight on Friday which is the lowest number since October 16.

Just 0.33 per cent capacity remains available at Altnagelvin.