COVID passports: Do you agree?

Lindsay McCorkell (left) and Lauren Connaghan. DER2139GS – 021Lindsay McCorkell (left) and Lauren Connaghan. DER2139GS – 021
Lindsay McCorkell (left) and Lauren Connaghan. DER2139GS – 021
Leader of the SDLP, Colum Eastwood has expressed his concerns over entry to pubs, restaurants and venues.

Leader of the SDLP, Colum Eastwood has expressed his concerns over entry to pubs, restaurants and venues.

Speaking on BBC’s Nolan Live show on September 22, Mr. Eastwood said that “further lockdowns and restrictions” will come into place if the decision to introduce COVID vaccine passports is opposed. I spoke to people in Derry for their views on this topic.

Darren Toland said: “I think it’s ridiculous, honestly.

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Barney Barr. DER2139GS – 016Barney Barr. DER2139GS – 016
Barney Barr. DER2139GS – 016

“If everybody is getting vaccinated and is double-jabbed, then everything should just be open and free to go, batter on.

“If you have to isolate, you have to isolate.”

Lauren Connaghan said: “I am double vaccinated, but I think it’s down to people’s own choice at the end of the day. So I don’t know if I fully agree with it, but I think with certain places the numbers should be capped.”

Josh O’Doherty is a student in Derry who is studying Performing Arts.

Wineshka Smith. DER2139GS – 019Wineshka Smith. DER2139GS – 019
Wineshka Smith. DER2139GS – 019

He believes COVID passports “will not go down well”.

“I think it’s a bad idea and it’s going to be so rarely enforced, that it just becomes pointless.

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“Business owners are getting it hard enough as it is, no one’s going to deny themselves those customers.

“I think it’s been hard enough to accept lockdowns and everything.

Darren Toland. DER2139GS – 017Darren Toland. DER2139GS – 017
Darren Toland. DER2139GS – 017

“Now with the idea of COVID passports, which completely denies you service.”

Wineshka Smyth is a nurse from America who is currently living in Scotland. She has been visiting Derry on work duties.

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“I’m ok with it. I’ve been doing nursing for a long time and I wouldn’t be able to study without proving that I had certain vaccines.

“If you’re forced to do that, even to just become a nurse, I feel like if it keeps people safe, then there is nothing wrong with that.

Aoife Blumenstein. DER2139GS – 020Aoife Blumenstein. DER2139GS – 020
Aoife Blumenstein. DER2139GS – 020

“I had COVID myself, and that was after vaccines. so I am totally for keeping us safe.”

Barney Barr said: “Yes, I agree. Proper order! If you go to any pubs down in the Republic of Ireland, you will not be served.

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“I cannot leave the country until I get that piece of paper. You cannot leave the UK to get into Europe without this pass. 10 days ago I applied for it and they told me that there is no record of your vaccine. Talk about inefficiency.

“I had to go up to my doctor and explain that I should be registered for my first vaccine.

“Now I have to go from here, up to Strabane to show my Irish passport.”

Lyndsey McCorkell said: “I don’t think we should have to have proof at all. It’s definitely down to your own choice like.

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Performing Arts student Josh O’Doherty. DER2139GS – 018Performing Arts student Josh O’Doherty. DER2139GS – 018
Performing Arts student Josh O’Doherty. DER2139GS – 018

“It didn’t work down south, it just meant more people were gathering outside, street drinking and stuff.

“So it will probably happen up here if you need a vaccine passport.

“People will just gather outside the bar instead.”

Aoife Bluenstein said:

“I don’t think it is a good idea, it doesn’t seem like one anyway.

“I don’t want to go through the trouble of getting this passport.

“We have our wee cards, can we not show them instead? Plus, some people don’t want to get vaccinated as well.”