Conditional discharge for stun gun and noxious spray possession

Bishop Street CourthouseBishop Street Courthouse
Bishop Street Courthouse
A man who reported himself to police has been given a conditional discharge at Derry Magistrates’ Court for possessing prohibited weapons.

Ernest Lester Edward Cargill (68) of Harberton Park in the Altnagelvin area of Derry admitted five charges of possessing prohibited weapons on dates between March and July of last year.

Cargill admitted possessing two stun guns on June 30 and July 1 2023, and possessing a noxious spray on three occasions from March of 2023, Derry Magistrates’ Court was told on Friday.

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Defence counsel Fergal McCormack told the local Magistrates’ Court that the defendant had actually reported himself to the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) when he had realised that these items were illegal.

He said that there was nothing sinister in Cargill having these items as he just had 'a peculiar fascination with these gadgets.'

Cargill was given a Conditional Discharge for a period of two years.