Teenager jailed for oral rape of five-years-old female cousin

Bishop Street courthouse.Bishop Street courthouse.
Bishop Street courthouse.
A teenager who orally raped his five-year-old cousin has received a three year sentence.

The defendant, who was 16-years-old at the time, will spend one year of this sentence in custody and the remaining two years on licence.

Derry Crown Court heard the teen was staying in the victim’s family home when he raped her.

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The girl was playing hide and seek with her sibling when she went into the room the boy was due to stay in that night.

He closed the door, told her to close her eyes and open her mouth and orally raped her.

The court heard the incident lasted around three seconds.

The girl told her father the following day that her cousin had his ‘touchie’ out.

He assumed that his daughter had walked in on her cousin while he was getting dressed and told her not to worry.

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However, he noticed that his daughter was ‘withdrawn’ throughout the day and that his nephew was ‘agitated’.

Later that day, the five-year-old spoke to her mother and she disclosed the entirety of the incident.

Her parents confronted the boy and he denied all the allegations.

Police were contacted and during an interview the defendant accepted the girl had been in his room, but denied anything untoward had happened.

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The court was told the defendant had started using Cannabis at the age of 14 and was under the influence of both Cannabis and Diazepam at the time of the offence.

A victim impact statement, prepared by the girl’s parents, disclosed that there have been ‘strains in the family’ since the incident.

This has adversely affected the victim and her parents.

Referring to this statement in his sentencing remarks, Judge Philip Babington said that ‘one can only hope that as time goes by matters will improve for all of them’.

The judge said the defendant had made ‘little concerted effort’ to deal with his use of drugs and has been assessed as posing a high likelihood of offending.

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He said the offending was aggravated by the age gap between the victim and the defendant and the fact that there was an abuse of trust.

Judge Babington added: “This was serious offending by someone who knew what he was doing was wrong but whilst under the influence of drugs opportunistically took his chance.”

Imposing the determinate sentence, the judge ordered that the defendant be subject to the notification requirements of the sex offences act for an indefinite period.

He also imposed a Sexual Offences Prevention Order for five years, which has a number of conditions, including a ban on having any contact with the victim.