Progress at Cregganburn field in Derry ‘ongoing’

Creggan burn field in Derry's Glen area.Creggan burn field in Derry's Glen area.
Creggan burn field in Derry's Glen area.
Derry & Strabane Council will later this month host a meeting with stakeholders including community organisations, PSNI, Community Safety Wardens and local councillors to gather their views on the emerging plans for the Cregganburn/ Glen area of the city.

The area of the Cregganburn field and the zig zag paths for many years has been notorious for anti-community behaviour and local community organisation Glen Development Initiative (GDI) said they have continued to lobby for the re-development.

Adrian Kelly, Manager with GDI said: “Since the refusal to grant planning permission for social housing and a new youth and community centre on this site, GDI has continued to lobby council to develop a masterplan that will see the regeneration of this land and reclaim it for positive community usage.

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“To date through our lobbying and engagement with council we have been able to secure £10,000 of design development that will create the masterplan for the area and allow us to continue to lobby for investment in this area to bring those plans to fruition.”

Adrian added: “This overall masterplan will incorporate play facilities, environmental and health aspects and see major physical changes to the landscape. In conjunction with this we will soon be submitting a planning proposal for a new youth and community facility which will add to the total regeneration and transformation of this are for positive community usage. We will be shortly presenting both of these plans to community for their engagement.”

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