'˜Journal' coverage of Hallowe'en online reaches 800,000 people

Hallowe'en fireworks over Derry. Photo: Ronan McMonagleHallowe'en fireworks over Derry. Photo: Ronan McMonagle
Hallowe'en fireworks over Derry. Photo: Ronan McMonagle
Thousands of people flooded on to the streets of Derry on Monday evening to take part in the city's 30th anniversary Hallowe'en celebrations.

Derry has been synonymous with Hallowe’en since 1986 and on Monday it was easy to why.

People from all over Ireland, Scotland, England, Germany, France and even as far away as Colorado in the USA came to sample the unique atmosphere.

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The family friendly event was befitting of the 30th anniversary celebrations.

Hallowe’en in Derry wouldn’t be same without the fireworks and this year’s were bigger, louder and more exciting than ever.

The ‘Journal’ posted the carnival and the fireworks display on Facebook Live for the first time.

Ex-pats from far away as the USA, Canada, the Middle East, New Zealand, Australia, Europe and a boat in the North Sea watched live on Facebook.

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The Journal’s Facebook Live posts were a huge success. The two videos of the street carnival and the fireworks reached an audience of almost 800,000 people.

Expats from virtually every corner of the world sent messages of thanks to the ‘Journal’ for helping them experience perhaps the city’s biggest night of the year.

“Thank you so much Derry Journal - I am looking after my elderly mother who isn’t able to get up and about as much as she used to,” said one reader.

“Thanks to your live posts my mother and I were able to sit in the heat of our house and watch the whole event on our television.”

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One woman who was born in Derry but is now living in Perth, Australia said the event made her long for home.

“I was watching the live posts from Perth in Australia and it reminded me just how special Hallowe’en night is back home.

“I haven’t been home in about 10 years but after watching the ‘Journal’s’ Facebook Live posts and being able to see how amazing Derry looked I will be there in the flesh next year,” she added.

This year, for the first time online, the ‘Journal’ asked readers to write about their first Hallowe’en experience in Derry.

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Sharon Meakin is from Nottinghamshire but her parents are both from Derry.

Monday’s showpiece was Sharon’s first ever Hallowe’en experience in Derry.

In my opinion the Derry is definitely the place to be for Hallowe’en and the parade and fireworks on Monday night were both spectacular and amazing. Well done Derry city, I take my hat off to you and may you continue to prosper,” she said