Chloe scales Everest from her home for Foyle Search & Rescue

Chloe Tinney who is climbing the equivalent of Mount Everest in her own home to raise funds for Foyle Search and Rescue.Chloe Tinney who is climbing the equivalent of Mount Everest in her own home to raise funds for Foyle Search and Rescue.
Chloe Tinney who is climbing the equivalent of Mount Everest in her own home to raise funds for Foyle Search and Rescue.
A Derry woman is using the lockdown to climb the equivalent height of Mount Everest in her own home and to raise vital funds for Foyle Search and Rescue.

Chloe Tinney set herself ten days to conquer the 8,848 metres of Mount Everest by going up and down her stairs.

In order to do this the Waterside woman had to climb 3,403 flights of her stairs and she broke it down over the ten days to 340 flights per day.

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Chloe, who is currently training to become a personal trainer, has been focusing on exercise quite a bit during lockdown and decided to incorporate the fundraising into her fitness regime.

“I am very much a person who goes big or does nothing! I recently started to do short bursts of sprints and decided, why not keep going and do this for the whole height of Everest.

“It would be a bit pointless doing it just for myself, so I decided to raise funds, as I know a lot of charities aren’t getting the money they normally would be right now. I also wanted to try and let other people know they can still do fundraisers.”

Chloe chose to raise funds for Foyle Search and Rescue in recognition for how much they do for the community in Derry.

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“Although I don’t have any personal experience of losing someone through suicide, I know of people who have and it is so devastating. Foyle Search and Rescue provide so much comfort to families and prevent a lot of loss.

“My Mum is a psychiatric nurse and I have always been taught that mental health is just as important as physical health.”

Chloe said that doing the challenge has helped give her some focus during lockdown.

“Before I started doing this I did have a pretty good structure going on. I would have gone for a walk before work and did a workout after work. I am now fitting this into my daily regime.”

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Chloe admits that the challenge has been ‘much harder’ than she thought it was going to be, not helped by the fact that she injured herself on the very first day.

“I never took into account a corner on my stairs which has really hurt me knee. I have been using a crutch and have had to rest a lot more than I thought I would.”

Chloe has been posting daily videos of her challenge and has been receiving lots of messages which has provided her with much need encouragement at times.

So far the 22-year-old has raised almost £1,500 for the charity. To donate visit:

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