Video: New anti-cuts lobby stage 'Daniel Blake' sit-in against Universal Credit in Derry government building

Kathleen Bradley, Action Against Cuts, and Councillor Warren Robinson.Kathleen Bradley, Action Against Cuts, and Councillor Warren Robinson.
Kathleen Bradley, Action Against Cuts, and Councillor Warren Robinson.
A new group of anti-welfare reform activists staged a sit-in at Orchard House in Derry city centre, home to the Department for Communities, which administers the controversial Universal Credit and Personal Independence Payments regimes in the North.

Dozens of members of the new Action Against Cuts umbrella lobby entered the civil service building shortly after 12 noon on Friday.

Some were wearing masks bearing the image of Dave Johns, the English actor who played the title role in 'I, Daniel Blake', Ken Loach's searing indictment of the British welfare system.

Police were called to the scene and the 'Journal' understands the protesters agreed to continue the sit-in until 2 p.m. before peacefully dispersing.