Video: String of fires prompts call for pallet security ahead of summer

Galliagh fire.Galliagh fire.
Galliagh fire.
A string of mini-bonfires in Derry's northern suburbs has prompted a call for businesses to ensure all flammable material is kept firmly under lock and key.

Pallets have been a particular target of anti-social elements who have been using them to light fires in Galliagh and Shantallow.

On one occasion this week vandals drove a car on top of one of the infernos, according to Sinn Féin councillor Caoimhe McKnight who has called for action.

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Colr. McKnight has urged businesses to step up security around their buildings.

Galliagh fire.Galliagh fire.
Galliagh fire.

She said: “Over the last couple of weeks I have been contacted by several residents expressing concerns of anti social behaviour in Galliagh particularly the burning of pallets. I have been working with all relevant agencies to try and address the issue.

“It’s very important to get the message out there before the summer holidays about the problems that are being caused by the theft and burning of the pallets.

“I am putting a call out to local businesses, especially those in the Skeoge Industrial Estate to increase security or store pallets more securely . Local people have told me that they regularly see young people in the area on the lookout for pallets.”

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She said housing associations and building contractors needed to secure building sites as well.

“If we all work collectively together on this issue I believe it can only have a positive outcome in lessoning the impact in the use of stolen pallets.”

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